Dragon Raja Anime is a Chinese animated series produced by Tencent and animated by Studio GARDEN. The thrilling story unfolds on the pages of Jiang Nan’s novels, and now comes alive in a new form. The series follows an ordinary high school student named Lu Mingfei, who receives an admission letter from Kassel College, a foreign private university. After hesitating, Lu Mingfei decides to attend the university and discovers a world where dragons exist. The series is an action-adventure anime with a total of 16 episodes, and it premiered on August 19, 2022. The series has received positive reviews and has a rating of 8.3 on IMDb.
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Dragon Raja Anime Release Date
According to recent search results, the Dragon Raja anime premiered on August 19, 2022, and concluded its 16-episode run on November 25, 2022. However, the Japanese version of the anime is set to be released in April 2024. The anime is based on the Chinese novel series of the same name written by Jiang Nan and follows the story of an ordinary high school student named Lu Mingfei, who discovers a world where dragons exist. The anime is produced by Tencent and animated by Studio GARDEN.
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Dragon Raja Anime Total Episodes
“Dragon Raja” is an animated series based on the Chinese novel series of the same name by Jiang Nan. The series premiered on August 19, 2022, and consists of 17 episodes, each based on the first book in the series. The names of the episodes are not readily available in the search results. However, based on the information provided, we can infer that the episodes are likely to be named after the characters or events in the story. Some platforms may have a total of 12 episodes available for viewing.
Dragon Raja Anime Story
The “Dragon Raja” anime follows the story of Lu Mingfei, an ordinary young man who receives an admission letter from Cassell College in Chicago, a foreign private university. Upon arriving, he discovers that the college is not as it seems, and there are forces at play that he could have never imagined. Centuries of shadow, millennia of power – dragons emerge from the veil, sparking a struggle for their very existence.
He stands at the crossroads, his choice echoing through time. As Lu Mingfei becomes more deeply involved in this hidden world, his life undergoes earth-shaking changes, and he embarks on the journey of “slaying the dragon”. The anime is based on the popular Chinese web novel series of the same name by Jiangnan, and it consists of 17 episodes, each based on the first book in the series. The anime is produced by Tencent Penguin Pictures, with Studio GARDEN handling the animation.
Dragon Raja Anime Where to Watch
Viewers can watch the “Dragon Raja” anime on various platforms. The first three episodes of the anime were initially released on the QQ VIP streaming service, and since “Dragon Raja” is a Chinese production, the new episodes initially aired on Chinese television. Some of the platforms where the anime is available include:
- Tencent Video Client: Viewers can access this platform in some regions to watch the anime, but they must pay the minimum subscription fee for the service.
- iFlix: The Malaysian video-on-demand service iFlix includes the anime in its list of shows, and it is available for free and subscription-based viewing.
- Bilibili: This platform, available in some regions, lists the anime series among its offerings, allowing users to watch the show there.
It’s important to note that the availability of the anime and the number of episodes may vary depending on the platform. For example, some platforms may have a total of 12 episodes available for viewing.
Dragon Raja Anime Netflix
As of today, January 28, 2024, Dragon Raja Anime is not available on Netflix in India. While the anime has gained international popularity, its streaming rights for India belong to other platforms like iFlix.
How many episodes do Dragon Raja have?
According to the search results, the “Dragon Raja” anime consists of 17 episodes, each based on the first book in the series. The first three episodes of the anime were initially released on the QQ VIP streaming service, and since “Dragon Raja” is a Chinese production, the new episodes initially aired on Chinese television. However, the availability of the anime and the number of episodes may vary depending on the platform. For example, some platforms may have a total of 12 episodes available for viewing. Unfortunately, the specific names of the episodes are not readily available in the search results.
What is the genre of Dragon Raja anime?
The genre of the “Dragon Raja” anime is not explicitly mentioned in the provided search results. However, based on the description of the series, it can be categorized as a fantasy anime. The story revolves around Lu Mingfei, an ordinary high school student who embarks on a journey after receiving an admission letter from a foreign private university, leading to significant changes in his life as he enters a world where dragons exist. The series is based on the novel series of the same name and is characterized by its fantastical elements and the protagonist’s transformative journey.